'Vue3 default value in select options

how would I add a default value to this template. the default value would be the first option in the list which is 'Please Select...'

  <template #dropDownSelection="{ props }">
    <td colspan="1">
          v-for="option in findFilterOptions(props.field)"
          {{ option.Text }}

this is the response.data

0: {Text: 'Please Select...', Value: '0', Description: null, Selected: false, Active: false, …}
1: {Text: 'Hang Up Start (Default) (Default Page)', Value: '2', Description: null, Selected: false, Active: false, …}
2: {Text: 'Hold Start (Default) (Default Page)', Value: '1', Description: null, Selected: false, Active: false, …}
3: {Text: 'VQ Start (Virtual Queue Page)', Value: '6', Description: null, Selected: false, Active: false, …}

Solution 1:[1]

Thanks for this, turns out I just needed to include this on my addRecord method...

    addRecord: function () {

        const dataItem = {
            inEdit: true,
            changed: true,
            Active: true,
            //0 = Please Select...
            CampaignId: 0,
            IvrId: 0,
            ListId: 0,
            TagIds: []

Solution 2:[2]

To achieve this the default value has to match a value attribute in your option tag. That's why we are setting the selectedOption to null

<script setup>
 const selectedOption = ref(null);

      <select name="category" id="category" v-model="selectedOption">
         <option :value="null" disabled> Select a category</option>
         <option v-for="category in categories" :key="category.id" 
           :value="category"> {{ category.name }}</option>


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Steven Collins
Solution 2 Ejiro Asiuwhu