'Player animation doesn't want to stop

Currently working on a mobile game where i need to move the character with a virtual joystick ,i used a code from a tutorial i saw on the internet, the problem is when i move the joystick the character moves in the right direction and the animation works fine but when i release it the character doesn't stop

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;

public class CharacterMovement : MonoBehaviour
private CharacterController controller;
private Vector3 playerVelocity;
private bool groundedPlayer;
private Animator animator;
private PlayerInput input;
private InputActionAsset asset;
private Transform cameraTransform;
private float playerSpeed = 2.0f;
private float gravityValue = -9.81f;
int isWalkingHash;

Vector2 currentMovement;

bool movementPressed;

private void Awake()
    input = new PlayerInput();

    input.CharacterControls.Move.performed += ctx =>
        currentMovement = ctx.ReadValue<Vector2>();
        movementPressed = currentMovement.x != 0 || currentMovement.y != 0;
private void Start()
    controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
    animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
    isWalkingHash = Animator.StringToHash("isWalking");
    cameraTransform = Camera.main.transform;

void Update()
    groundedPlayer = controller.isGrounded;
    if (groundedPlayer && playerVelocity.y < 0)
        playerVelocity.y = 0f;

    Vector2 inputs = input.CharacterControls.Move.ReadValue<Vector2>();
    Vector3 move = new Vector3(inputs.x, 0, inputs.y);
    controller.Move(move * Time.deltaTime * playerSpeed);

    if (move != Vector3.zero)
        gameObject.transform.forward = move;

    playerVelocity.y += gravityValue * Time.deltaTime;
    controller.Move(playerVelocity * Time.deltaTime);

void HandleMovement()
    bool isWalking = animator.GetBool(isWalkingHash);

    if (movementPressed && !isWalking)
        animator.SetBool(isWalkingHash, true);

    if (!movementPressed && isWalking)
        animator.SetBool(isWalkingHash, false);

private void OnEnable()

private void OnDisable()

Solution 1:[1]

I think the problem is in the HandleMovement() method. First of all I don't think you even need bool isWalking = animator.GetBool(isWalkingHash);. Also use an else statement after if (movementPressed && !isWalking) { animator.SetBool(isWalkingHash, true); }. You don't need the 2nd if statement if you use else.

Also according to you code isWalkingHash is a int variable defined in the script and for animator.SetBool(isWalkingHash, false); to work you have to pass the name of the boolean parameter deined in the parameter section in the animator as a string.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Sathika Hettiarachchi