'Problem to configure Hydrogen package in Atom editor

when i try to run the code in atom, it returns me the following error: (1)No Kernel installed (2)No kernel for grammar Python found

I have Windows distribution and i have installed WSL to run my codes, and i think that my problem is here. Indeed when i open the windows powershell and sent the command 'wsl' to 'enter' in Linux ambient, if i digit:

'python -m ipykernel install --user'

it returns:

'Installed kernelspec python2 in /home/bonanno_manuel/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/python2'

So it seems that in linux it is present the kernel that is required. The idea i got is that atom only 'sees' windows ambient where i don't have these kernel. To try to solve i installed anaconda but nothing has changed.


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