'Pytest: run teardown once for all workers using pytest-xdist

I have a pytest fixture that I need to run only once across all pytest workers.

@shared  # this will call setup once for all processes
def cache(request):
    acc = Account(id=10)
    return acc

def shared(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        request = kwargs['request']
        root = request.config._tmp_path_factory.getbasetemp().parent
        filepath = root / "shared"

        with filelock.FileLock(f'{filepath}.lock'):
            if filepath.is_file():
                result = json.loads(filepath.read_text())
                result = func(*args, **kwargs)

        return result
    return wrapper

I use the solution from https://pytest-xdist.readthedocs.io/en/latest/how-to.html?highlight=only%20once#making-session-scoped-fixtures-execute-only-once and it works fine for the pytest setup part, but the teardown part is called on every pytest process.

It is possible to lock pytest-xdist teardown to run it only once after all pytest sessions are finished? I want to run teardown once for all workers.


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