'React DatePicker Bootstrap up to date

I searched for a good datepicker in React using bootstrap style. But everything I found wasn't working well or was not up to date...

I'm working with React 15.0.2 and Boostrap 3.3.6

Does anyone know a good datepicker component?

Solution 1:[1]

I use react-bootstrap-datetimepicker that works well. Yet, it requires CSS addition in case you use bootswatch theme. Besides, It can require some z-index adjustments depending on where you display it. Otherwise it works just fine.

Solution 2:[2]

If you are using react bootstrap, you can try type="date" , You can find more information at react-bootstrap

import Form from "react-bootstrap/Form";


<Form.Control type="date" name='date_of_birth' error={errors.date_of_birth} ref={register} />

Solution 3:[3]

I'm using react-bootstrap and noticed that the many npm packages are not working and/or not satisfying my design. So I wrote my own component with the only dependency on react-bootstrap/Button however you could change to regular html <button>.

DatePicker React Bootstrap

import { useState, useMemo } from 'react';
import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button';

const weekDays = { nl: ['Ma', 'Di', 'Wo', 'Do', 'Vr', 'Za', 'Zo'] };

const FollowUp = ({ selectedDate, onChange }) => {
  const [showDate, setShowDate] = useState(new Date(selectedDate));

  // first day of the month, CAREFULL: object will change by for loop!
  const firstDayThisMonth = new Date(showDate.getFullYear(), showDate.getMonth(), 1);
  // getDay sunday=0 and we monday=0
  const dayOfWeek = (firstDayThisMonth.getDay() + 6) % 7;
  // first day of next month
  const firstDayNextMonth = new Date(showDate.getFullYear(), showDate.getMonth() + 1, 1);

  // loop whole month and keep in memo to save 1ms per time
  const month = useMemo(() => {
    const m = [];
    for (let d = firstDayThisMonth; d < firstDayNextMonth; d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1)) {
      m.push(new Date(d));
    return m;
  }, [showDate]);

  return (
    <div className="hl-followus">
      <div className="hl-month d-flex flex-wrap flex-row align-items-baseline justify-content-between px-3 pt-3 bg-primary text-light">
      <div className="hl-month d-flex flex-wrap flex-row align-items-baseline justify-content-between px-3 pb-3 bg-primary text-white h2">
        {selectedDate.toLocaleString('nl-nl', {
          weekday: 'short',
          day: 'numeric',
          month: 'long',
      <div className="hl-month d-flex flex-wrap flex-row align-items-baseline justify-content-between px-2 py-2">
          onClick={() => setShowDate(new Date(showDate.setMonth(showDate.getMonth() - 1)))}
          className={`hl-day-button rounded-circle p-0 hl-bc1 border-white'}`}
          <i className="fas fa-chevron-left" />
        <div className="h5">
          {showDate.toLocaleString('nl-nl', { month: 'long', year: 'numeric' })}
          onClick={() => setShowDate(new Date(showDate.setMonth(showDate.getMonth() + 1)))}
          className="hl-day-button rounded-circle p-0 hl-bc0 border-0"
          <i className="fas fa-chevron-right" />
      <div className="hl-month d-flex flex-wrap flex-row">
        {weekDays.nl.map((weekDay) => (
          <div key={weekDay} className="hl-day  d-flex justify-content-center">
      <div className="hl-month d-flex flex-wrap flex-row  ">
        <div style={{ width: `${dayOfWeek * 14.28}%` }} />
        {month.map((day) => {
          const highlightSelectedDate =
            selectedDate &&
            selectedDate.getDate() === day.getDate() &&
            selectedDate.getMonth() === day.getMonth() &&
            selectedDate.getYear() === day.getYear();
          return (
            <div key={day} className="hl-day d-flex justify-content-center">
                onClick={() => onChange(day)}
                className={`hl-day-button rounded-circle p-0 ${!highlightSelectedDate &&
                  'hl-bc0 border-0'}`}
                variant={highlightSelectedDate ? 'primary' : 'light'}
      <style jsx>
          .hl-month {
            width: 350px;
          .hl-day {
            flex: 0 0 14.28%;
          .hl-followus :global(.hl-day-button) {
            width: 36px;
            height: 36px;

export default FollowUp;

Solution 4:[4]

Like ravthiru said react-bootstrap form controls with type "data" and "time" will be the easiest one to go for and wont require any additional packages.

I personally like react-date-range which is quite customizable.

A heavier, complete, customizable alternative is to use material-ui pickers
You can try them here


This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Overflow and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Damien Leroux
Solution 2 ravthiru
Solution 3 Bob Siefkes
Solution 4