'REACT JS - Firebase: Data type NUMBER

Simple and quick question (And yes I google it first, got mislead to phone number verification and other stuff), Anyways! back to the point

Why when I input data and I send it to the database it stores everything as a string even though I have set up the type of that input as a 'number'

Snip of code example

//some code that makes sense (and is working so far except for the data type)

                    precio: precio

//Some more code that makes sense as well

<input onChange = {(e) => {setPrecio(e.target.value);}}
     type = 'number'
     pattern = "[0-9]*"

So basically I send some data to the firebase and it does make a collection if there's none and a document with the data i'm sending, now the issue is that the data is being set up as string and I want it as a number so I can use that value later to do some smart maths I guess.

enter image description here

Full code of the important bits

//Relevant variable
const [precio, setPrecio] = useState("");

// Sending all the data I have gathered to the database 
const register = (e) => {

        const docId = `${grado} | ${descripcion}`;
        const docRef = db.collection('libros').doc(docId);
        console.log(typeof precio)
        docRef.get().then((doc) => {

            if (doc.exists) 
                window.alert("Ya existe ese libro")
            else {

                    materia: materia,
                    descripcion: descripcion,
                    editorial: editorial,
                    grado: grado,
                    precio: precio,
                    id: docRef.id

            }).then((r) => {
                window.alert("Libro agregado")

//The bad boy number that still wants to get printed as a string

<div className = "CrearE_row">
                    onChange = {(e) => {setPrecio(e.target.valueAsNumber);}}
                    type = 'number'
                    pattern = "[0-9]*"

Solution 1:[1]

It is most probably because you are actually sending data that is of type String, even if they only content numbers. This is quite classical when you input data via an HTML form.

You can check that with the typeof operator, as follows:

console.log(typeof precio);
   precio: precio

The console will probably print "string". You therefore need to convert the value of precio to a number, for example with parseInt(), parseFloat() or Number().

You can see with the following code that if you pass a number, it is correctly saved in the DB.

const precio = 1234;   // We declare a number
console.log(typeof precio);
   precio: precio


As explained in this SO answer you could also use e.target.valueAsNumber instead of e.target.value.

Solution 2:[2]

Any One still wondering then, I had the same problem with it but use "parseInt()" while sending it to the firebase using addDoc. Hopefully this will clear it. And thanks to Renaud.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 Gamy Tuber