'React Native Community DateTimePicker value.getTime is undefined
Hey guys I have few questions regarding the community version of the RN DateTimePicker (https://github.com/react-native-datetimepicker/datetimepicker#value-required)
First of all my Code:
activityDate: todaysDate, (just a JS new Date())
showDatePicker: false
Toggle Function:
showDatePickerHandler = () => {
showDatePicker: !this.state.showDatePicker
DateTimePicker Code:
<Button onPress={this.showDatePickerHandler} title="Open"/>
{ this.state.showDatePicker && (
// style={{width: "60%"}}
placeholderText="Pick your Date"
onChange={(event, date) => {
// activityDate: date,
activityDate: Moment(date).format("YYYY-MM-DD"),
checked: false,
Here is what I am experiencing:
When I open the DatePicker and then chose a date and press Ok (or cancel) my App reloads with this error: TypeError: value.getTime is not a function. (In 'value.getTime()', 'value.getTime' is undefined) - value is set to new Date() so thats weird
is there a way to set a Format to the whole DateTimePicker Component? something like
format = "YYYY-MM-DD"
and then it should use this format for the date
I was using: https://github.com/xgfe/react-native-datepicker before which had some good formating functions and an easy way to handle dates - but since its buggy on IOS and has no maintainer I wanted to switch..
Edit: On my first Press it looks good I am getting a Date but when I open it again it crashes the app and reloads it.. how can I safely close the Picker? is it enought to setState of showDatePicker to false in the onChange?
Solution 1:[1]
You can only set a new Date()
type as the value
of DateTimePicker
You can show the date in required format in another component like below.
{this.state.showDatePicker && (
style={{height: 0}}
placeholderText="Pick your Date"
onChange={(event, date) => {
activityDate: date,
checked: false,
showDatePicker: false
<TouchableOpacity style={{padding:20, width:'80%', alignItems:'center', justifyContent:'center'}} onPress={()=>showDatePickerHandler()}>
Solution 2:[2]
replace Value.getTime
by Date.perse(value)
in node_Modules in
node_modules/@react-native-community/datetimepicker/src at
1.DatatimePicker.android.js line No:88,
2.DatatimePicker.ios.js line No:69
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Source: Stack Overflow
Solution | Source |
Solution 1 | |
Solution 2 | Salman |