'Redhawk IDE will not display Components

When I launch the REDHAWK IDE via Eclipse, I cannot see the installed components (SigGen, fastFilter, etc). I can see the components just fine if I use the command line to create a project. I'm convinced it has to be a path or variable issues, but I just don't know what to reconfigure.

I'm using REDHAWK Version 2.1.0 and on CentOS7

OSSIEHOME is set to the /usr/local/redhawk/core

SDRROOT is set to /var/redhawk/sdr

Any suggestions?

Solution 1:[1]

I found a solution by reinstalling and including every Redhawk package that I could find using "yum list redhawk*"

Solution 2:[2]

I have the same problem and it turns out I was using a Java version higher than 8 which is not supported by RedHawk. Make sure you use Java 8 to launch the IDE otherwise it does not work. Submitted a DR but because JDK8 still supported they do not feel the need to fix it.

Solution 3:[3]

I followed the official installation instructions for RedHawk 2.3.0 on Centos 7.9 and had this same issue, I fixed it by opening a terminal in the Redhawk installation directory and running

sudo yum install redhawk-basic-components-2.3.0-5.el7.x86_64.rpm

After which the components appeared in the IDE without a restart


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 EastCoast
Solution 2 Oeg Bizz
Solution 3 Troyseph