'Release APK version not updating

I´m writing a flutter application and it is currently on version 0.7.0, I already specified the version in pubspec.yaml and the Debug APK is already on the updated version, but the release APK it´s not updating, even after 'flutter build apk' or 'flutter run --release'.

Release APK:

Release APK

As you can see on the image the Version name is 0.6.0 instead of 0.7.0

Debug APK:

Debug APK

In debug apk the version is 0.7.0



Solution 1:[1]

You have to change also the version code from 1 to 2

Solution 2:[2]

So, even after changing codeVersion dind´t worked.


But I founded a solution, just deleted the build bin and then runned flutter build apk.

Solution 3:[3]

I just fixed it with running flutter build apk in flutter project and open android flutter project in android studio and generate singned apk in android studio


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Jordan Kotiadis
Solution 2 Pedro Xavier
Solution 3 Gusty Setyono