'Reload page after submit in iframe (javascript/jquery)

I have a page with an iframe. In the iframe there’s a submit button. When I click the submit button I want the parent window to be updated. This is what I have done so far, and it works (the javascript is located in the parent window):

var myFrame = $('iframe');
myFrame.load(function() {
myFrame.contents().find('#publish').click(function() {

  myFrame.load(function() {


The code works. But I find the reload of the iframe unnecessary. Is there a better way to detect when "submit" is completed?

(I can’t reload the page only by “onclick” or relay on any delay. I must be sure that the submitting of the form is finished)

Solution 1:[1]

Assuming publish is unique you can simply do so:

  $('#publish').live('click', function(e){
     //Do whatever you want here

Notice the live will bind the even to publish link at runtime.

Solution 2:[2]

You could have the form submission return a block of js:


or, if you're open to plug-in, you could use the ajaxSubmit() method of the jQuery Form Plugin.

  success: function() {
     // update parent

Solution 3:[3]

$("#publish").click(function() {
            //alert("Reload called");

This worked.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 two7s_clash
Solution 3 Preeti