'Replication for SVAR
I am using Stata and studying VAR, Orthogonalized VAR, Structural VAR. I successfully replicated VAR and OVAR, but I failed to do that for SVAR. Could anyone suggest how to replicate it?
My Replication does not exactly match the R built-in results. How can I fix it?
Below is the built-in R code programmed by Danne, Christian. VARsignR: Estimating VARs Using Sign Restrictions in R, 2015.
###### Install required packages
###### Import data
rm(list = ls())
SVARdata <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jayjeo/public/master/LaborShortage/SVARdata_seasonadjusted2_practice.csv")
SVARdata <- ts (SVARdata, frequency = 12, start = c(2012, 1))
###### set sign restrictions
constr <- c(-1,+2)
###### Uhlig’s (2005) Rejection Method
model <- uhlig.reject(Y=SVARdata, nlags=1, draws=200, subdraws=100, nkeep=1000, KMIN=1, KMAX=6, constrained=constr, constant=TRUE, steps=120)
irfs <- model$IRFS
vl <- c("y","z")
irfplot(irfdraws=irfs, type="median", labels=vl, save=FALSE, bands=NULL, grid=TRUE, bw=TRUE)
Below is a STATA code that I wrote.
*** SVAR Sign-restrictions.
clear all
capture program drop subprogram
program subprogram
mata mata clear
putmata ybly yblz zbly zblz
mata A1=ybly[1],yblz[1]\zbly[1],zblz[1]
mata sigma7=7600000, 7.76655 \7.76655, .007221
mata L=cholesky(sigma7)
mata A=rnormal(1,1,0,1),rnormal(1,1,0,1)\rnormal(1,1,0,1),rnormal(1,1,0,1)
mata Q=R=.
mata qrd(A,Q,R)
mata pi_svar=L*Q
mata pi_svar1=pi_svar[1,1]
mata pi_svar2=pi_svar[2,1]
forvalues i=2(1)$obs {
mata: pi_svar=A1*pi_svar
mata: pi_svar1=pi_svar1\pi_svar[1,1]
mata: pi_svar2=pi_svar2\pi_svar[2,1]
getmata pi_svar1 pi_svar2
qui tsset t
qui keep if t<=120
qui keep t pi_svar1 pi_svar2
qui rename (pi_svar1 pi_svar2)(p1 p2)
qui gen d=0
qui replace d=1 if p1[1]<0&p2[1]>0&p1[2]<0&p2[2]>0&p1[3]<0&p2[3]>0&p1[4]<0&p2[4]>0&p1[5]<0&p2[5]>0&p1[6]<0&p2[6]>0
import delimited "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jayjeo/public/master/LaborShortage/SVARdata_seasonadjusted2_practice.csv", varnames(1) clear
global obs=120
gen t=_n
tsset t
sureg (y L.y L.z)(z L.y L.z)
gen ybly=_b[y:L.y]
gen yblz=_b[y:L.z]
gen zbly=_b[z:L.y]
gen zblz=_b[z:L.z]
reg y L.y L.z
predict ey, residual
reg z L.y L.z
predict ez, residual
corr ey ez, covariance
*mata sigma7=7600000, 7.76655 \7.76655, .007221
forvalues i=1(1)100 {
qui subprogram
qui save pp`i', replace
scalar process=`i'
di process
use pp1, clear
forvalues i=2(1)100 {
append using pp`i'
drop if d==0
collapse (median) p1 p2, by(t)
tsset t
tsline p1, name(p1) yline(0)
tsline p2, name(p2) yline(0)
graph combine p1 p2, rows(2)
Below figure is the result using the built-in R program by Danne, Christian. "VARsignR"
Below figure is the result using the STATA code that I wrote (which does not match exactly).
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Source: Stack Overflow
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