'RESTful API resource returns 404 when added @QueryParam

My resource worked fine till now. I added @QueryParam there. If I make request without writing query param to uri it works fine. After I write query param to the uri 404 code responses.

    public List<?> getDoctorAppointments(@Auth LoggedUser loggedUser,
                                         @QueryParam("date") Date date,
                                         @QueryParam("timePeriod") TimePeriod timePeriod,
                                         @PathParam("id") int id
                                         ) {
        if(date != null && (timePeriod == null || timePeriod.equals(TimePeriod.TODAY))){
            return appointmentDAO.getDoctorsAppointmentsByDate(id, date);
        if(date != null && timePeriod.equals(TimePeriod.WEEK)){
            return appointmentDAO.getDoctorsNumberOfAppointmentsForWeek(date, id);
        return appointmentDAO.getAppointments(id, UserType.DOCTOR);

Solution 1:[1]

If you're getting a 404 I suspect you're not issuing the HTTP request correctly. My assumption for the query w/out a date or timePeriod param you'll be issuing

GET http://my-site/1/appointments

And if you try to pass a date and are getting a 404 you are issuing

GET http://my-site/1/appointments/date=2017-01-13

Or maybe this

GET http://my-site/1/appointments/2017-01-13

Which would result in a 404, whereas this should work fine and pass in the date query param

GET http://my-site/1/appointments?date=2017-01-13

I may be guessing wrong. Let me know what the URLs you're querying look like and we can troubleshoot more.


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Kevin