'Routing Dead-Lettered Messages

Is there a way in EasyNetQ to set the routing key [x-dead-letter-routing-key] argument when creating a Queue? (as far as I can see you can only set a DeadLetterExchange.)

IQueue updateCacheQueue = advancedBus.QueueDeclare(name: "UpdateCache", deadLetterExchange: "UpdatesDeadLetter");

Solution 1:[1]

I Added another parameter to the QueueDeclare method and created a pull request, and you can set it after version

Solution 2:[2]

RabbitMQ assumes that exchanges are superior to queues. You can create an exchange that delivers to exactly one queue, and thus your DLQ addressing issue is solved. Should you decide you need to take additional actions in the future (e.g. store the message for potential reprocessing AND ALSO alert operations via email), you can do that in the exchange without mucking up the queue processor.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Joel Weiss
Solution 2 PaulProgrammer