'Secure Cookies not working with hostname set in hosts file

I have cookies set as secure, but it's working as localhost. But with the domain name set in the hosts file, chrome is not sending the cookies to server resulted in request failing.
i am running my server on the localhost with the following cookie set, the cookie is being sent by chrome to my server.

cookie := http.Cookie{Name: "XSRF-TOKEN", Value: csrf.Token(r), Expires: expiration, Path: "/", HttpOnly: false, Secure: true}

I have set the following in my host file and trying to open from chrome x.test.in the cookie is not getting passed . chrome reporting as set-cookie was blocked because it has the secure attribute but was not received the following code is in golang and using gorilla mux       x.test.in

Solution 1:[1]

You can try this in an other browser. I think chrome means, the cookie is a fake-secure cookie.

Solution 2:[2]

Did you call the server with HTTP or HTTPS? If the "Secure" Flag is set on the cookie it can only be set after an HTTPS call

If it was indeed blocked by Chrome you can still see it by going into the "Network" Tab of your developer tools, select the request, click on "Cookies" and select "show filtered out request cookies". The blocked cookie should appear and you should see there why this was the case.


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Solution Source
Solution 1 aWebDesigner123
Solution 2 Mario B