'Select song sample rate

I have a folder with several mp3's and I needed to separate (copy) all the 4800 hz sample rate files to another folder.

I have a folder "General Audios" and I created another one called "Audios 48000 sample rate"

I'm running the ffprobe command that returns the sample rate value of each song.. but when I try to save the value in a string to be able to use the IF and copy only the ones with 48000 hz, I get a message that the command is a command input? what is wrong?

md "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\Áudios 48000 sample rate"

cd /d "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\Áudios Gerais"

for %%F IN (*) do (
   ffprobe -i "%%F" -v error -show_entries stream=sample_rate ˆ
       -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 set %%S if %%S==48000 ˆ
          "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\Áudios 48000 sample rate\%%F"


EDITED: I have no more code, this is the only one, I run the ffprobe command in a folder and I select the ones that have 48000Hz to copy to another folder, that's all!?!?


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