'Stack the same row in each layer of a 3D numpy array

Hi is there a way to efficiently stack the same row in each layer of a 3D numpy array? I have an array like this:

 a = np.array([[["a111","a112","a113"],

and i want to get something like this:


Right now I'm looping through the whole array and stacking it manually.

Solution 1:[1]

Use swapaxes:



array([[['a111', 'a112', 'a113'],
        ['a211', 'a212', 'a213'],
        ['a311', 'a312', 'a313'],
        ['a411', 'a412', 'a413']],

       [['b', 'b', 'b'],
        ['b', 'b', 'b'],
        ['b', 'b', 'b'],
        ['b', 'b', 'b']],

       [['c', 'c', 'c'],
        ['c', 'c', 'c'],
        ['c', 'c', 'c'],
        ['c', 'c', 'c']],

       [['d', 'd', 'd'],
        ['d', 'd', 'd'],
        ['d', 'd', 'd'],
        ['d', 'd', 'd']]], dtype='<U4')


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 mozway