'ST-LINK error (DEV_USB_COMM_ERR) after changed back from J-Link to St-link

I was trying to convert St-link to J-link, but after the change I want to check if return to St-link working fine. Unfortunately it doesn't work now.

When I am trying to connect with the STM32F769I-Disco I have a message ST-LINK error (DEV_USB_COMM_ERR).

Does anybody knows how I can restore the STM32 to the default state? Maybe there is possiblity to use other connection than ST-link?

I make exactly the steps from this link: https://www.segger.com/products/debug-probes/j-link/models/other-j-links/st-link-on-board/

I was trying to connect right after hard reset in the STMCubeProgrammer, but the same issue occurs. The application can see the ST-Link but it can't connect to the target.


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