'summarise NA data from datafile on command line in linux / bash

I have a data file with missing values

I want to summarise this data and find out how many NA there are in the whole data file and in certain specific cols

I have tried

grep -i "NA" datafile.gz | wc -l


awk 'NA' datafile.gz | wc -l

But they both print '1' which is not right

Any ideas?


@Roadowl provided

zgrep -i "na" datafile.gz

Which gives the total number of NA, how do I specify by column?

grep -i "na" datafile.gz | awk '$3=="na"'

Does not work

Solution 1:[1]

The fundamental problem here seems to be that you haven't noticed the difference between compressed data and plain text. Most Unix tools only work on the latter.

But first: Your attempts will look for "na" as a substring of any value in any column. So "banana" will match because ... well, I imagine you can see why.

Without seeing your actual data, it's hard to know what exactly you need, but for looking for entries which are exactly "NA" case-insensitively in column 3 of a tab-delimited file, try

awk -F '\t' 'tolower($3) == "na"' file

The tolower() call converts to lower case so that you can then compare to a single string; this will cover all case variations of "NA", "Na", "nA", or "na" but only look for an exact match after case conversion, instead of looking for a substring. (This assumes you don't have e.g. whitespace around the values in the column, too; it really is an exact comparison.)

To get the count, pipe to wc -l (or refactor the Awk script:

awk -F '\t' 'tolower($3) == "na" { sum += 1 } END { print sum }' file

Probably read a 15-minute introduction to Awk if this isn't obvious.)

Perhaps more usefully, include file name and line number

awk -F '\t' 'tolower($3) == "na" { print FILENAME ":" FNR ":" $0 }' file

(You can pass multiple file names, and then the FILENAME makes more sense.)

To examine a different column, replace $3 with e.g. $42 to examine column 42. To use a different delimiter, put the delimiter instead of '\t' after -F. This still doesn't correctly deal with e.g. quoting in CSV files (maybe switch to a language which knows how to parse CSV in all its variations correctly, like Python, or use a dedicated CSV tool -- I hear there's one called csvtool).

If your file is compressed, you can't grep (or Awk or sed or etc) the compressed data directly; you have to uncompress it first:

gzcat datafile.gz |
awk -F '\t' -v gzfile="datafile.gz" 'tolower($3) == "na" { print gzfile ":" FNR ":" $0 }'

Notice how you don't put a file name after the Awk script when the input comes from a pipe (or not just Awk actually; any tool which is capable of reading a file or standard input, as is the norm among Unix text-processing tools).

The above also shows how to pass a string into Awk as a variable (-v variable="value"). This might be more useful if you have multiple files you want to loop over:

for datafile in datafile.gz datafile0.gz datafile1.gz; do
    gzcat "$datafile" |
    awk -F '\t' -v gzfile="$datafile" 'tolower($3) == "na" { print gzfile ":" FNR ":" $0 }'

Slightly bewilderingly, the $datafile variable is a shell variable (Bash or Zsh or what have you) which is entirely distinct from Awk's internal variables. We use the -v trick from above to make it available to Awk in the variable gzfile.

You could use grep (which reads plain text) or gzgrep (which can read gzip-compressed data directly) as well, but then you want to pass in a regular expression which targets the specific column. Just to show how it's done, here is a regex which says "something with no tabs, followed by a tab, followed by something with no tabs, followed by a tab, followed by na, followed by a tab" which (once you wrap your head around it) targets the third column.

gzgrep -Ei -c $'^[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\tna\t' filename.gz

The $'...' notation is Bash-specific and allows us to use the symbol \t instead of a literal tab in the regular expression. The -c option to grep asks it to report how many matching lines it found, so you don't even need wc -l here. The -E option selects a slightly less arcane and more modern regular expression dialect than the default from the early 1970s. (It's still not properly modern by any standard; the "extended" dialect is from the mid-1970s, with some later brushing up by the POSIX standardization in the 1990s. Newer tools support a plethora of extensions which are not standard in grep.)

To look for na alone with tabs on both sides in any column, try

gzgrep -Eic -e $'^na\t|\tna\t|\tna$' filename.gz

where | in the regular expression stands for "or", and ^na\t is the regular expression for na bracketed by beginning of line on one side and a tab on the other, and \tna$ is the same for end of line.

If you don't use Bash, you can remove the $ before ' and type a literal tab, usually with ctrl V tab

Files whose name ends with .gz are compressed with gzip; there are other compression tools which conventionally use file extensions like .Z (plain old compress, from the dark ages), .bz2 (bzip2), .xz (xz) etc; most of these ship with a bzcat or similar tool which performs the same job as gzcat for gzip files, and some will also have something like bzgrep to parallel gzgrep. (To add to the alphabet soup, gzcat could also mean GNU zcat on some systems! Then it handles .Z files, not .gz files).

Unix-based systems generally don't rely on the file extension to identify the type of a file, but the human convention is to add an extension when you compress something, and many of the tools will do that automatically (so for example gzip file creates file.gz).

A quick examination of a compressed file, perhaps with a hex dump tool, should reveal why grep doesn't work directly on the file. The compressed data is a tightly packed oblique binary which simply does not contain the uncompressed data in any easily discoverable form (unless you learn a lot about compression!)


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Solution Source
Solution 1