'suppress Name dtype from python pandas describe

Lets say I have

r = pd.DataFrame({'A':1 ,

And r['B'].describe()[['mean','std','min','max']] gives an output :

mean    1.0
std     0.0
min     1.0
max     1.0
Name: B, dtype: float64

But from the above output , how should I get rid or suppress the last line " Name:B, dtype: float64 "

I figured out one way to achieve this

print "mean ",x['mean'],"\nstd ",x['std'],"\nmin ",x['min'],"\nmax ",x['max']  

which gives the desired output :

mean  1.0 
std  0.0 
min  1.0 
max  1.0 

Is there any cleaner to achieve this output directly from pd.describe( )

Solution 1:[1]

If need output as DataFrame add reset_index:

print (x)
  index    B
0  mean  1.0
1   std  0.0
2   min  1.0
3   max  1.0

And then use DataFrame.to_string:

print (x.to_string(header=None, index=None))
mean  1.0
 std  0.0
 min  1.0
 max  1.0

Solution 2:[2]

better answer
use to_csv on dataframe

rd = r.B.describe()[['mean','std','min','max']].reset_index()
print(rd.to_csv(header=None, index=None, sep='\t'))

mean    1.0
std     0.0
min     1.0
max     1.0

old answer

for name, value in r['B'].describe()[['mean','std','min','max']].iteritems():
    print('{:<5s} {:2.1f}'.format(name, value))

mean  1.0
std   0.0
min   1.0
max   1.0


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2