'Swiftui - Fetch data after login

I'm starting to learn SwiftUI and i'm looking for better solution to fetch user data after successful login.

For example, i need to see if the user has the account blocked or not after login

For this i have create struct in Users.swift

struct Users: Identifiable, Codable{

    @DocumentID var id: String?
    var Societe : String
    var Nom : String
    var Prenom : String
    var HasBlocked : Bool
    var SiteID : [String]
    var Poste : String
    var Email : String

and firebase class in Firebase.swift

class Firebase: ObservableObject {
    @EnvironmentObject var viewRouter: ViewRouter
    @Published var user : Users? = nil

    private var db = Firestore.firestore()
        func fetchData() {
            db.collection("Users").document(Auth.auth().currentUser!.uid).addSnapshotListener{ (snapshot, error) in
                guard let documents = snapshot?.data() else {
                    print("No documents")
                let name = documents["Nom"] as? String ?? ""
                let surname = documents["Prenom"] as? String ?? ""
                let email = documents["Email"] as? String ?? ""
                let societe = documents["Societe"] as? String ?? ""
                let poste = documents["Poste"] as? String ?? ""
                let siteId = documents["SiteID"] as? [String] ?? []
                let hasBlocked = documents["HasBlocked"] as? Bool ?? true
                if let user = self.user?.SiteID{
                    print("no document2")
                self.user = Users(Societe: societe, Nom: name, Prenom: surname, HasBlocked: hasBlocked, SiteID: siteId, Poste: poste, Email: email)

and in the SignInView after press login button, i call func signInUser

@ObservedObject private var firebase = Firebase()

func signInUser(userEmail: String, userPassword: String) {
        signInProcessing = true
        Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: email, password: password) { authResult, error in
            guard error == nil else {
                signInProcessing = false
                signInErrorMessage = error!.localizedDescription
            switch authResult {
            case .none:
                print("Could not sign in user.")
                signInProcessing = false
            case .some(_):
                print("User signed in")

                // get data and check ??

                signInProcessing = false
                withAnimation {
                    viewRouter.currentPage = .homePage

But i don't know how to fetch data after login for check if the account has blocked and then pass the data to Homeview without re-fetch data to optimize call database.

thank for your help

Solution 1:[1]

Let me address this at a high level as your code seems fine but its's just wrapping your brain around the asynchronous calls.

I am pretty sure you have everything you need - here's the flow using pseudo code

authenticate { auth closure
    read user document using auth.uid { snapshot closure
         if snapshot has user blocked {
            do not proceed to next view
         } else { //user is not blocked
            proceed to next view

Remember that Firebase data is only valid within the closure following the Firebase call and if you follow the above pseudo code, it does just that...

auth closure - has valid firebase auth information so you can get the uid

    snapshot closure  - has valid snapshot info so you can see if the user is blocked
        the If statement will then determine the next thing to do - either don't show
           the view if blocked or show it if not blocked

So borrowing from your code

func signInUser(userEmail: String, userPassword: String) {
        Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: email, password: password) { authResult, error in
             db.collection("Users").document(Auth.auth().currentUser!.uid).getDocument {
                  either go to next view or not

Note that you should be using getDocument in this case to read the document once instead of adding a listener.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Jay