'target [Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\RegisterViewResponse] is not instantiable

i'm have a router register but i found error

Target [Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\RegisterViewResponse] is not instantiable.

Solution 1:[1]

You need to register fortify service provider inside the config/app.php files

Add this


to config/app.php under the Application's Service Providers.

Update : It is also important you point the location of your authentication views to Fortify.

An example for the Register view would be:

//  auth.register => means your register.blade is located in `view/auth/`
//  folder. (All things being equal)

Fortify::registerView(function () {
    return view('auth.register');

Read More: https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/fortify#registration

Solution 2:[2]

you have to add all these in FortifyServiceProvider.php at the boot method. then import all classes needed

            return view('auth.login');

        Fortify::authenticateUsing(function(Request $request){
            $user = User::where('email',$request->email)->first();
            if($user && Hash::check($request->password,$user->password)){
                return $user;
            return view('auth.register');

after that you need to create the register and login view

Solution 3:[3]

Verify that the following providers are registered in the config.app file in the providers section

App\Providers\JetstreamServiceProvider::class, // If using Jetstream

Uncomment the following line in the App\Providers\FortifyServiceProvider.php file


Solution 4:[4]

Make registerView function on app/providers/FortifyServiceProvider.php

    Fortify::registerView(function () {
        return view('auth.register');

Solution 5:[5]

In addition to Joseph Ajibodu's answer, within the boot method of FortifyServiceProvider add the following:

    Fortify::loginView(function () {
        return view('auth.login');

    Fortify::registerView(function () {
        return view('auth.register');

    Fortify::requestPasswordResetLinkView(function () {
        return view('auth.forgot-password');

    Fortify::resetPasswordView(function () {
        return view('auth.reset-password');

Solution 6:[6]

Fortify::registerView(function () { return view('auth.register');

put this code in your fortyfive service provider folder under the book method


This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Overflow and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 3 Sergio Gualberto Cruz Epinoza
Solution 4 Riki krismawan
Solution 5 liamvictor
Solution 6