'There is a cache miss

I'm trying to cache the cypress installation in my build pipeline.

I have this task setup:

- task: Cache@2
    key: 'cypress | $(Agent.OS) | package-lock.json'
    path: 'C:\npm\prefix\node_modules\cypress'

I've run the build pipeline multiple times but I'm always getting the same error:

There is a cache miss

enter image description here

This is the previous build:

enter image description here

As you can see it's the same fingerprint, so why is the caching not working?

Solution 1:[1]

  1. Set variable system.debug to true to get more information.

  2. You would check the path to see whether it is correct on the agent machine (you are using self-hosted agent, correct?)

  3. Usually, on the first run after the task is added, the cache step will report a "cache miss" since the cache identified by this key does not exist. As you always got "cache miss" issue, I suspect the cache is not created or uploaded correctly. You may try to do some modification for package-lock.json to recache and re-generated one new key, to see how's the result.

Solution 2:[2]

Check the "cache post-job task" results and see if the keys are different.

In my case I had to use npm install --no-save so that the package-lock.json file wasn't regenerated during the pipeline. This ensured the "cache post-job task" was using the same cache key when caching node_modules.

Solution 3:[3]

One more thing - In order that cache task works as expected all task must succeed.

enter image description here


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Cece Dong - MSFT
Solution 2 Peter
Solution 3 kqly