'Twitter Advanced Search not showing results

I am trying to do a simple twitter adv search query where I want to find tweets tweeted by "@BSE_News" and that contain some word like for example "Financial". However, twitter's search doesn't show any tweet and there are tons of tweets that are tweeted by BSE_News that contain this word.

What I am doing currently -

  1. Go to the advanced search section once I have logged into my twitter a/c

  2. I enter "Financial" in the "This exact phrase" text box and "@BSE_News" in the "From these accounts" text box. Not sure what I am doing wrong here. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Solution 1:[1]

You can use Twitter's advanced search boolean operators, coupled with the advanced search operator from: to construct the following query (you can copy & paste it into Twitter's search box or type it directly there):

(financial) from:BSE_News ?

Of course, you can also broaden or narrow your search by playing with the boolean statement in between the parenthesis using the OR, AND, -(minus for NOT) and ( ) boolean combinations. For example:

(financial OR economic OR monetary OR fiscal) from:BSE_News ?

(financial AND 2019) from:BSE_News ?

((financial AND PODDAR) -quarter) from:BSE_News ?

Solution 2:[2]

I guess with the advanced search...some functionalities were disabled, like you don't have the sentiments section anymore


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Elad Ratson
Solution 2 user12302996