'Two way data binding issue of \n (new line) while set String into Edittext

I am facing one issue while set data into Edittext when using TWO WAY DATA BINDING which contain HTML tags like " < br > " or \n.

when there is \n it next data should be in new line.

it shows me like...

enter image description here

                        android:text="@={myComments}" />

Solution 1:[1]

there are 3 ways to fixed

  1. customize your TextInputEditText class

  2. do one method inside you data class and set logic inside that method ex user class username contains html text so i will do one method like convert htmltoText method and do logic inside that method and return string

public class DataBindingAdapter {
    public static void convertHtmltoText(TextInputEditText view, String value) {

        string description = value.replace("\n", "<br/>") ?: ""


 convertHtmltoText="@{myComments} />


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Suraj Rao