'unable to show real ads for 2 months, test ads working well, admob account valid (no missing info)

My ads do not work for 2 months and DONT HAVE ANY INFO ABOUT WHY. This problem drives me crazy.

Hello, I have a big problem with AdMob (their support form does not work on any device/os). 2 months ago I created an app that I deployed and I wanted to implement ads to make money with this app. So I integrated admob in my app. Since this point everything was ok. My tests ads running well as my real ads. But a day I received an ad limitation for no reason. I tried to contact admob support, obviously I didn't success because their f**** forms does not for 1 year as I saw on google forum. When my ad limitation was removed I take actions to avoid it in future so add a app-txt linked to my website. Since this point my nightmare starts, I noticed that my ads were not showed (error 3, no ads to fill). I spent hours on forum that tell me go check your account if verified active, all admob form filled, my software implementation. I MADE ALL THIS STEPS. I tried to remove and recreate ad unit, try to unlink relink my website. But nothing, none of these steps help me. I even tried to contact admob through a violation forms I found on web(obviously it still does not work, they told me that my account was not in a violation case so they cannot help me). Can a professional & competent person help me in my problem ?

About my app:

  • flutter last release with environment: sdk: ">=2.7.0 <3.0.0"
  • does not use nullsafety
  • flutter google mobile ads 1.2.0

If you need have an idea how to fix my problem, if you are from google admob, feel free to comment for further information


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