'User identification problem when I try to launch DB2-kk

I click the button "Go to UI" and appears the following message: {"trace":"46b4bb4886e31314ef92057b01d07ffb","errors":[{"code":"iam_sqlid_error","message":"HWCSEC6011E: User id can not be found for current instance.","target":{"type":"","name":""},"more_info":""}]}


Solution 1:[1]

I also had this error for my Db2 lite plan. My solution was to delete the current Db2 service and create a new one (since you are only allowed to have one lite plan at a time). Worth mentioning is that if you have important data in your Db2 instance, maybe consider copying the data first. I did not have anything of importance so it was easy to just create a new lite plan.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Jonas Fockstedt