'Valgrind output

I have installed Valgrind on a Linux system and make this call:

valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --log-file=valgrindLog/%p --trace-children=yes --xml=yes --xml-file=resultvalgrindMemLog.xml ./main

The out file (resultvalgrindMemLog.xml) is displayed with the Jenkins plugin.

My expectation is to get the line of the failure and the part of the code.

Enter image description here

But my output looks like:

Enter image description here

Why does the message "Source code not available" in the section Code appear?

Solution 1:[1]

Because you did not compile your C++ application with debug symbols enabled.

With gcc, this would be the -g compilation option.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Sam Varshavchik