'View a Class from the Unity API

I am rendering my camera to a cubemap using

gameObject.GetComponent<Camera> ().RenderToCubemap (cm);

I want view the code for RenderToCubemap(), so I can understand how it works.

Any way to do this?

Solution 1:[1]

The Source Code of the Unity3D API is closed. If you want to look at it you'll have to pay for the professional license you then get the source code.

Solution 2:[2]

There is no simple and legal way to look at the code. You could decompose it but you will get assembly code not C#.

Note that reverse engineering is illegal based on the EULA.

This is what Unity sells, like CocaCola is not giving away the Coke recipe.

But keep in mind that what happens in Camera class is likely to be a code version of basic well known equations from OpenGL. So even though you would not get a one-to-one, OpenGL is probably fairly close.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 General Grievance
Solution 2 Everts