'Visual Studio 2022 source control not showing changes

Visual Studio 2022 not showing any change of file in git changes window, although there are some files updates are available. Whereas GIT GUI is showing all the changes in the repository.

Once I open the repository in GIT GUI all changes are also begin to display in Visual Studio git changes window.

Solution 1:[1]

visual studio 2022 shows "error parsing the git status output.". It is maybe because of mismatched versions of git or visual studio.

as a workaround, in "Package Manager Console" you can run this command:

git status

after that, visual studio shows your changes, and you can commit them!

Solution 2:[2]

I ran into the same issue. Then I found the answer under this video. Try this:

git config --global --add safe.directory C:/Path/To/Repo

Notice the forward slashes.

Solution 3:[3]

It might be an issue with the git index lock. This solved my problem, deleting the index lock file: Visual Studio: Git Team Explorer does not show any changes

Solution 4:[4]

I used to connect not as admin. Then in Git Repository Settings no remotes were displayed and at Git Changes there were only "create new" options.

Then I connected as admin and remotes become available, all were working as usual. Makes no sense to me but it's "working".


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 user3770256
Solution 2
Solution 3 Keith Bluestone
Solution 4 Saulius