'Webflow Onboarding Redirect | (Using Memberstack)

I have a Dashboard Application in Webflow and I use Memberstack for User and Permissions.

Now the Issue I have is the following: I'm creating a new Memberstack User with Zapier, then I'm logging into Webflow with the new created User and it opens the Dashboard page. The Issue is, that I want, if a user loggs in for the first time, to redirect them to another page called "Onboarding".

My approach was to solve it in Memberstack, but it doesn't seem to work when I create the User with Zapier. Then I tried to find a solution in Webflow, to create a redirect if a Variable in the CMS Item is not set (For example "onboarding" = false).

Can someone help me to make this work?

Solution 1:[1]

Let me know if this works! I adapted some code I had which also will add the first time the member logged in to their Memberstack metadata.

Try adding this code before the site-wide </ body > tag:


MemberStack.onReady.then(async function(member) {

  // if member is logged in

        var first_logged_in_timestamp = member["first-logged-in-timestamp"];
        if(first_logged_in_timestamp === undefined || first_logged_in_timestamp == null || first_logged_in_timestamp.length < 1)
            {     // set first-logged-in-timestamp
            var first_logged_in_timestamp = timestamp;

                "first-logged-in-timestamp": timestamp,
                }, false)



Solution 2:[2]

I am having the same problem here. It seems Memberstack doesn't have an off-the-shelf solution for that, but there are people setting timeouts to let Zapier to its thing before redirecting the user. As you can see right here:


I've tried their suggestions in this post but they're not working.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Chris Lally
Solution 2 Lucas Piccoli Weinmann