'What parameters affect glCompressedTexSubImage2D, in difference to glCompressedTexImage2D?

I have a problem which only affects ATI-graphic cards on PC, but it seems no other graphics hardware, including Nvidia/Intel/Android/iOS.

When I create a 2D texture I allocate using glTexStorage2D, and then upload the data using glCompressedTexSubImage2D. This works fine on every Android/iOS/NVidia/Intel device I have tested. However, on ATI graphics cards (with updated drivers) I get some sort or stride problem as visible in this image below. However, glCompressedTexImage2D works fine.

enter image description here

The problem appears only on GL_COMPRESSED_R11_EAC textures, and not on GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC (which are the two formats I use).

Does anyone know what texture parameters which might affect glCompressedTexSubImage2D, my guess is that all other devices has defaulted some parameter to another value than ATI.


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