'Whats the brief factual difference between Kubernetes, Helm and Rancher (and others) [closed]

As a new starter in the world of DevOps, I've tried to find a one-pager that explains side by side what each of the following technologies do best and how they are orchestrated together in typical deployment scenario.

Its all a bit overwhelming coming in cold.

Seems like there's a technology for every single step of the deployment. Have some been superseded by others? Are the differentiated in the granularity of the artifact?

No opinions please of which is better, just resources of hey they are used together.

  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Helm
  • Terraform
  • Rancher

Solution 1:[1]

Docker is the de facto standard for building containers and running them in various environments.

Kubernetes is a complex framework for orchestrating containers.

Helm is a component of Kubernetes, a package manager for running apps on Kubernetes.

(Rancher is a framework for managing and orchestrating containers. It could also manage Kubernetes clusters)

A typical scenario 'devops' scenario would involve builiding Docker images from source, and running them in A kubernetes cluster in production, as described in a Helm chart. The underlying infrastructure for Kubernetes could be deployed with Terraform.


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Solution 1