'Where does Microsoft Office Add-ins manifest get locale from?

I have a Word add-in defined by a manifest xml file with the following overriding:

<DisplayName DefaultValue="[DEV] My Add-in">
    <Override Locale="en-au" Value="[en-au] My Add-in" />
    <Override Locale="en-ca" Value="[en-ca] My Add-in" />
    <Override Locale="en-us" Value="[en-us] My Add-in" />
<SupportUrl DefaultValue="url-default">
    <Override Locale="en-au" Value="url-au" />
    <Override Locale="en-ca" Value="url-ca" />
    <Override Locale="en-us" Value="url-us" />

I want to test whether the overriding works when my add-in gets loaded in different regions. However, the add-in somehow always shows en-us config ([en-us] My Add-in and url-us for SupportUrl).

What I have done before re-inserting my dev add-in from shared folder:

  • pick another region/language/time-zone
  • cleared my %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Wef\ folder
  • change language settings in all browser types and clear the cache
  • change language preference in Word

The only thing US left I can find in my machine is the Window display language (which I have no other option to choose) and the keyboard, but I don't think that's where Word task pane gets locale code from.

I would appreciate if someone could point me to the right place for testing this locale overriding.

Solution 1:[1]

When re-adding the Manifest put in a new value or Office seems to cache some of the setting.


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Tim H