'Windowing on mapped stream is giving different results

Use Case : Map the input stream of sometype to another type and sink. Also apply the aggragator on the mapped stream to count the number of events of each event_type and sink it to another topic.

I have tried something like this -

DataStream<Event> eventStream  = env.fromSource(...)

eventStream.map((MapFunction<Event, TrafficSource>) value -> {
            TrafficSource trafficSource = new TrafficSource();
            // transform logic 
            return trafficSource;

eventStream.keyBy((KeySelector<Event, String>) Event::getType)
           .aggregate(new TrafficAggregator())

When I test it with 1000 events. topic-1 is having 5000 events where it is just a map from one type to another.

Am I doing something wrong here ?


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