'Add a "Copy this row" context menu to agGrid

I would like to add a "Copy this row to the clipboard" context menu item to my agGrid (running in Angular 9).

agGrid gives us a "params" value, containing the currently selected value, and, params.node.data, which contains the "raw" entire record for this row.

getContextMenuItems(params) {
    return [
        name: 'Copy this row',
        action: function() {
          let dataForThisRecord = params.node.data;

          //  ...what now...?
      'export'    //  This adds the generic agGrid "export\export to Excel" menu items

The problem is, my params.node.data is huge, and my agGrid is actually just displaying 5 fields of this record, so I just want these 5 fields (in the same order as in the grid).

Also, some of those 5 agGrids columns might have valueGetter functions or cellRenderers, so I want to get the values after these have been called.

So, rather than exporting the raw data, which I can see in the params.node.data object:

   forename: 'Mike',
   surname: 'Jones',
   DOB: '2020-04-30T00:00:00',
   countryID: 1001,
   phone: '055 123 4567'

I want to copy the values as they are shown in the grid, after passing through any cellRenderers or valueGetters:

[ 'Mike', 'Jones', '30/4/2020', 'France', '055 123 4567' ]

Is is possible to do this ?

I assume so, as when I add a default 'export' option to my context menu, agGrid itself will happily export my data into an Excel file, containing the nicely-formatted values which are shown in the grid.

Solution 1:[1]

There is no correct way, and it cannot be, because the render returns html. Workarounds below.

Clipboard Api in deph

export interface IClipboardService {
    registerGridCore(gridCore: GridCore): void;
    pasteFromClipboard(): void;
    copyToClipboard(includeHeader?: boolean): void;
    copySelectedRowsToClipboard(includeHeader?: boolean, columnKeys?: (string | Column)[]): void;
    copySelectedRangeToClipboard(includeHeader?: boolean): void;
    copyRangeDown(): void;

Look at ClipboardService from enterprise. In private ClipboardService.copyFocusedCellToClipboard get value from gridOptions.processCellForClipboard.

Set gridOptions.processCellForClipboard = (params) => myLogic(params.node.data, params.column.colDef.field). Then select row as params.node.setSelected(true). Then params.api.copySelectedRowsToClipboard(false, columnKeys)

All render pipline methods in colDef, not in api but!

Formatter valueFormatterService not exists in GridApi. But valueGetter exists as params.api.getValue.


action: function() {
   const colDef = params.column.getColDef();
   // do
   const value = colDef.valueGetter(...);
   // or do 
   const value = params.api.getValue(colDef.colId, params.node); // valueGetter
   // then


The first method works through selection, it’s bad, because the user will suffer.

The second method requires playing the pipeline.

In total, I came to the fact that I wrote my own handler for working with the console, so that the format in Excel and in the clipboard often do not match.

Solution 2:[2]

All you need to write is:

    name: 'Details for... ',
    disabled: true,



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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Nikita Fedorov
Solution 2 Harold Noble Bright