'Adding metric labels in prometheus on the fly

I have a counter metric in prometheus. I want to add lables to it dynamically for example if my request comes http://abc123.com/{p1} ,I want my custom_metric_name to store {statuscode=200, p1=p1Value , host="abc123"} and if request comes http://def123.com/{p2} . I want custom_metric_name to store {statuscode=200, p2=p2Value , host="def123"} but custom_metric_name will be shared metric by both.

I am trying still not able to get answer

Solution 1:[1]

You can use relabel_config or metric_relabel_config in your Prometheus config.

It would look like the following:

- source_labels: [request_origin]
  regex: 'http://(\w+)/.*'
  replacement: '${1}'
  target_label: host

See also this article showing usage of relabelling.

Solution 2:[2]

Dynamic labels can be easily added to the exported Prometheus metrics when using github.com/VictoriaMetrics/metrics Go package:

import (

// CountRequest increments `requests_total{statuscode="statusCode", host="host", path="path"}` Prometheus counter
func CountRequest(statusCode int, host, path string) {
  s := fmt.Sprintf(`requests_total{statuscode="%d", host=%q, path=%q}`, statusCode, host, path)


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 valyala