'Amazon MWS - Shipping TAB - Field - number_of_boxes

I try to find out which field I have to use to fill the 'number_of_boxes' field for the amazon mws product upload.

My product.xml looks like this:

    <Title>Test Title</Title>
    <Description>Test Description</Description>
    <BulletPoint>Bulletpoint 1</BulletPoint>
      <Length unitOfMeasure="MM">50</Length>
      <Width unitOfMeasure="MM">51</Width>
      <Height unitOfMeasure="MM">303</Height>
      <Weight unitOfMeasure="KG">100</Weight>
    <MSRPWithTax currency="EUR">699.00</MSRPWithTax>
    <SearchTerms>SearchTerms Test 1</SearchTerms>
    <MerchantShippingGroupName>Prime vorlage</MerchantShippingGroupName>
          <TopMaterialType>Metal Leather</TopMaterialType>
        <Size>B60 x T46 x H115–123 cm</Size>
      <SeatHeight unitOfMeasure="MM">46</SeatHeight>

On the picture the missing field is marked. I use the category "chair" but there is no field for number_of_boxes. Which field I have to send for "number_of_boxes"?

number_of_boxes Image


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