'Can I get session and pageview data by product from Amazon?

Like Amazon Seller Central's business report, I would like to acquire sessions and report dates for each product through API.

I've checked Amazon MWS and SP-API, but I can't find a way, so I'm asking you for help.

Solution 1:[1]

you can make a chrome extension to get sessions and page view data. i did the same as there is no way with in MWS and SP API to get this information.

Solution 2:[2]

You can now get session and page view by product by getting the GET_SALES_AND_TRAFFIC_REPORT report.

You first have to add Brand Analytics role to your application. Then the seller must authorize your app after you had add this role.




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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 sidra_89
Solution 2 Nassuf Mmadi