'Android app link not working in android 12 always opening in browser

I have hosted assetlinks file into our domain https://ourdomain/.well-known/assetlinks.json And also verified this using https://developers.google.com/digital-asset-links/tools/generator and from android studio's App Links Assitant and got verified status from both the ways. But when i am sharing debug APK for testing it's always opening in browser. I also tried uploading on app store and downloaded from there for testing but it always open in browser.

Note: for debug build used my laptop SHA-256 and once app live on play store changed SHA ( got SHA-256from By going to Application Dashboard in Play Console then Release Management --> App Signing ) on hosted assetlinks file into our domain https://ourdomain/.well-known/assetlinks.json

Below is the code used in the manifest file.

     <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

                android:host="abc.test.com" />

Solution 1:[1]

Deep-links are working in Android 11 or before but on Android 12 it isn't.

But even after adding assetlinks.json file and adding all the intent-filters. Android 12 still isn't detecting deep-links. In Android-Manifest file turns out that scheme's tag is need to be separated from the data tag like this:

// OLD - Which is only working Android 11 or before

  android:scheme="https" />

// NEW - Which is working on all including Android 12

<data android:scheme="https" />
    android:pathPrefix="/videos" />

Solution 2:[2]

I have same problem and solved by going to app info setting -> set as default ->support web addresses and you will see your short link so turn it on and it will work ;)


as every one said its not a programmatically way so the best way is that link below said

Solution 3:[3]

Solution 4:[4]

In my case, the app is working in android 11, but it doesn't work in android 12 when the app is compiled and built with android studio.

I tested the production app; it works fine with the app link.

For development build, I have to go to App info -> Open by default -> Add link -> check off all the available links

This seems only happen with development builds; the apps installed from Google app store automatically has all the links selected.

Solution 5:[5]

After adding assetlinks.json in domain you have to reinstall app (just uninstall the app and install again) that will work


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Shafiq ur Rehman
Solution 2
Solution 3 Bob der Baumeister
Solution 4 Eric Cen
Solution 5 Vinay Rathod