'Android - Is there a way to set padding to a webview content?

I've a BottomNavigationView with radius borders, and I need to see the content of the pages passing between the borders.

But, one of the BottomNavigationView's children is a WebView, with a thousand pages that I cant change every single one just to add a paddingBottom.

This is what I got now, as you can see there's a button there but the bottomnavigationview is above, and without the padding I can't scroll:

enter image description here

And if I set a padding bottom inside webview parent, note the borders are with a different color because the content its placed above:

enter image description here

is there a way to do it dynamically? I mean, in a native layout all we have to do its

paddingbottom and clipToPadding = false

but I don't know what to do with this webview content


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