'B2C Custom Policy with TP OpenId Connect - IdTokenAudience - MultiApple scenario
I have a custom policy with an OpenId Connect Technical Profile calling authorize and token endpoints from metadata Items to my custom API middleware which is used to redirect to Apple authenticathion endpoint/website so i can handle a multiApple solution within my custom Policy trying to Ignore client_id and IdTokenAudience.
Microsoft documentation states:
But unfortunatelly the documentation is wrong and the TokenAudience is always validated after get sucessfully the Apple token and return the flow to B2C through the redirect_uri configured in Apple console for that clientId that I am able to pass through the Authorize endpoint in my API.
Can some B2C expert shed some light about ignore the IdTokenAudience in an OpenId Connect TP inside a Custom Policy?
Microsoft Reference document:
Thanks in advance!
Solution 1:[1]
Ok, i will answer my question. As stated by @Jas you cannot get rid of client_id because of security validations. So if someone is trying to implement such scenario, i will explain my approach:
Create a Technical Profile like this with client_id="myaudience" and use METADATA item to point to your custom OIDC microservice metadata. A B2C app clientId (B2C URL clientId) must be passed as input claim to handle diferent Apple client_id's depending on registered App:
<TechnicalProfile Id="AppleID"> <Protocol Name="OpenIdConnect" /> <Metadata> <Item Key="METADATA">https://xxxxxxxx.ngrok.io/metadata?provider=apple</Item> <Item Key="HttpBinding">POST</Item> <Item Key="response_types">code</Item> <Item Key="UsePolicyInRedirectUri">false</Item> <Item Key="client_id">myaudience</Item> </Metadata> <CryptographicKeys> <Key Id="client_secret" StorageReferenceId="B2C_1A_MultiIDP" /> </CryptographicKeys> <InputClaims> <InputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="groupId" /> <InputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="appId" PartnerClaimType="clientId" DefaultValue="{OIDC:ClientId}" /> </InputClaims> <OutputClaims> <OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="issuerUserId" PartnerClaimType="sub" /> <OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="email" PartnerClaimType="email" /> <OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="givenName" PartnerClaimType="preferred_username" /> <OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="displayName" DefaultValue="Apple user" /> <OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="picture" PartnerClaimType="picture" /> <OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="identityProvider" DefaultValue="apple.com" AlwaysUseDefaultValue="true" /> </OutputClaims> </TechnicalProfile>
Your custom multi-IDP microservice will capture in the /authorize endpoint via queryString the clientId and should retrieve from a storage the Apple client_id, teamId, redirect_uri (same than Apple console), KeyId and Issuer corresponding to it.
your /authorize should redirect to the Apple authentication page and will prompt for your credentials.
After enter credentials and click on "continue" button your /token endpoint should be fired, at this point you need to retrieve the .p8 secret (Private Key) from a Key Vault to generate the token to be used with the code in the /token body. The client_id, client_secret and keyId should be overrided with your custom stored data.
- After craft the token and build the data to send to Apple /token endpoint, retrieve the Apple final token with its access_token, id_token, refresh_token ..
- At this point you need to return all this data to B2C but the audience will fail, so you need to recraft a new id_token before passing the control to B2C through the configured redirect_uri, also you can move the Claims coming from Apple to the new forged token. The secret key used to sign the new token must be configured before as a Policy Key (signature) in your B2C Identity Experience Framewrok. Refer to this doc for more info: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/openid-connect-technical-profile This secret is referenced as cryptographickey in the Technical Profile above as: B2C_1A_MultiIDP
- Return the data from your microservice /token endpoint to B2C:
Thats all! Happy coding!
Solution 2:[2]
It’s being used as an override.
When this metadata item is not present, we make sure the audience matches the expected audience, client_id.
When it is specified, we make sure the aud claim matches what you state in the metadata item.
This never allows the verification to be turned off.
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Source: Stack Overflow
Solution | Source |
Solution 1 | |
Solution 2 | Jas Suri - MSFT |