'Bash alias: command not found

I'm trying to setup a simple alias to move me into my Developer folder on my machine. However, after setting it up, I get a weird error:

-bash: dv: command not found

I setup my alias in .bashrc like so:

alias dv='cd Developer/'

I use it by just typing dv, and then get that error. Does anyone see any syntax errors or something I'm missing here for aliases?

Solution 1:[1]

Run bash and then try the command.

Alternatively, put it in ~/.bash_profile which should be loaded automatically.

Solution 2:[2]

.bashrc is only read on startup. If you just modified your .bashrc then you need to get a new shell or get your current shell to see the changes applied:

  • source ~/.bashrc in your current shell (although this may cause some startup items to run twice, which could cause other issues)
  • exec bash to get a new shell
  • just open a new Terminal window

Solution 3:[3]


-bash: alias: cd /opt/logs: not found alias log= "cd /opt/logs"

Solution :

Ensure there is no space after the = symbol

log="cd**  /opt/logs"

Solution 4:[4]

Make sure the following line is present inside .bash_profile

test -f ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc

If not then add it to the beginning. This code is used by .bash_profile to load up .bashrc. If this line is not present inside .bash_profile then anything you type inside .bashrc will not be loaded.

Solution 5:[5]

Another solution is to call your command with bash using -i -c option:

bash -i -c my_alias

Solution 6:[6]

I had the same issue but the weirdest solution. I was copying it from Windows machine to OS X and for some reason, the spaces used were different and when I replaced them with normal spaces, it worked. It was not tabs, I have no idea what it was.

Solution 7:[7]

i had a similar issues while creating an alias for mongoDB; You can try putting the whole path inside .bash_profile in your home directory like so :

alias mongo="/c/Program\ Files/MongoDB/Server/5.0/bin/mongo.exe",

as i had done in my case; it worked perfectly after this


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 nneonneo
Solution 3 Divyang Desai
Solution 4 Sparkzz
Solution 5 Lucas Coelho
Solution 6 Ev0oD
Solution 7 Abhronil Adhikari 5097_ece-6