'Cannot access fragmentclass file for android.support.v4.fragment not found

I am trying to do this in android studio:


but it shows the following error

error: cannot access Fragment Glide.with(getApplicationContext()).load(Uri.parse(url.get((int)(5)))).into(imageview6);

Cannot access fragmentclass file for android.support.v4.fragment not found

I have tried Migrate to AndroidX but it simply says "no usage found".

Solution 1:[1]

Use getActivity() to get the context in Fragment class.

Use getActivity() instead of getApplicationContext()

Final the code will be


Hope this will work.

Solution 2:[2]

I used the old glide dependencies that's why I got this error. try to use the newly updated dependency. That works for me!


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Faysal Ahmed
Solution 2 Saurav Gawali