'cant generate sign apk

I can't generate signed apk with android studio 2.1.3 after installing new windows 10.

I have my password and I'm sure the password is correct but when I try to generate signed apk I get this error:

Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect

for checking if my password is true or not I downloaded Android_Keystore_Password_Recover_1.07.jar from here and after trying recover my password I got this message:

Start dictionary attack on key!! Current Pass: || est. 0 Pass/Sec

Got Password in 0 seconds Password is: ********** for alias grammar

(I replaced my real password with **********)

What am I doing wrong?

Solution 1:[1]

just download Signapk.zip and unzip wherever you wish, paste your apk inside the signapk folder.

open cmd / terminal , change directory to signapk folder

java -jar signapk.jar testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8 test.apk test-signed.apk

copy and replace with you existing file name (test.apk) and output file (test-signed.apk )

[signapk.zip][1] https://github.com/ahamedansaf/Signapk/


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Solution Source
Solution 1