I have a sample C++ program that would cause an obvious segmentation fault. test.cxx: int main() { int* ptr{nullptr}; *ptr = 3; } So I am using address san
I was trying this problem called valid parenthesis on leetcode.com when an error popped up saying this: AddressSanitizer:DEADLYSIGNAL ==========================
When Address Sanitizer is enabled, the Open Dialog Box cannot be shown. It hangs forever. Thank you. It hangs when running hr = pFileOpen->Show(N
When linking my code compiled with the AddressSanitizer tool, I'm getting many errors of the kind undefined reference to '_asan_init_v4'. clang -fPIC -g -fno-om
When linking my code compiled with the AddressSanitizer tool, I'm getting many errors of the kind undefined reference to '_asan_init_v4'. clang -fPIC -g -fno-om