Category "ajax"

Laravel ajax auto populate field based on selection

I am working to solve an ajax issue I have where I am trying to auto populate an amount field based on the selection from the drop down box. My table is layout

How can i get the value of multiple anchors in javascript which are generated from php and send the value to another Php page using AJAX

Here is how my anchors are displayed on the web. I need to get the value of the anchor and send it to another PHP file, so i would use the value of the anchor i

Dynamic dropdown Ajax PHP request

I'm trying to make a dynamically populated drop down in a form for location selection. I have scoured stack in other posts that ask similar questions and some w

Bokeh: Generate graph server side, update graph from JS client side (change data source, axes ...)

I just took Bokeh for a spin on a Django site. Lot of fine tutorials out there and really easy to get a quick example running. For example, I have a Django view

select all on checkbox is not working using jquery

Clicking on select all of the checkbox only the particular page is selected .not selecting all pages. Here using jquery. Datatable contains 100s of pages and us

Error Using Ajax when I load from a differente file with Django

Im using JaxaScript(Jquery with Ajax) and my HTML Page all in the same file, but when I tried to code my JS and HTML in different files, I get an error when try

AJAX: Can I POST an array/data from my GET request? (Flask)

question similar to AJAX/FLASK/JS: How to POST existing array into endpoint?, a new question I've posted but this doesn't specifically help with the new issue,

Single CSV column is using multiple columns in HTML table

After a long journey to figure out how to load .csv files into a table I've run into another issue. One of the columns in my .csv file is splitting into other c

When FileUploadBase.SizeException (FileUploadException) is thrown, it seems the request is repeated (using Commons FileUpload)

I have an Ajax POST call that uploads one or more files to a servlet. In my servlet, I use Commons FileUpload library to manage the uploading file process: priv

Creating dropdowns according to the database

There are different properties for 3 (x,y,z) properties in my database. I created a dropdown and according to the selection I will make in the dropdown, I want

php Blob url to directory

throught ajax send a blob url var blob = new Blob([content], { type: 'text/html; charset=utf-8' }); var urlBlob = URL.createObjectURL(blob); $.ajax({ url:

how to loop through json response data using ajax jquery?

I'm trying to loop through a json response with ajax jquery but I can't display the result. Here is the code Im using: data.php function platformsList(){ $q

Google Calendar API show all events from public calendar

I'm having trouble following tutorials to get a list of all events in a public calendar. I've tried following along this post: Retrieve Google Calendar events u

How can I make good efficent AJAX live forms with just jQuery and

I've been trying to make AJAX forms but made no luck, I tried using iframes but I frames aren't that good. That's all I've tried, and that's all I know. I have

Cross origin blocked between Ajax and Spring Controller

I want a Javascript function to send data to a Spring controller and get a response. However, due to the strict-origin-when-cross-origin Referrer policy, the re

Scrape with Python Scrapy : How to Scrape Next_Page Link That Include Ajax Request

I try to scrape title of the books and all review about books from Cozy Mystery Series . I have written below code for spider. import scrapy from ..items import

How to take div value through parent elements using jquery?

I need to take the text "UNIT01". How I can do this using JQuery or JS? `<div id="unit"> <ul class="choices"> <li> <div>UNIT01&l

Testcafe request with cookies

I am trying to find a method in testcafes API similar to Cypress' request. Cypress' request will attach any cookies to the request that already exist in the b

How to display list of questions fetched from database into HTML using Ajax and JavaScript?

I am working on school management system and using Spring Boot framework. I want to display all questions list when student click on start test button and would | request.forms.get() returning NoneType using AJAX

I am trying to send javaScript information into a server using AJAX. After trying nearly every solution I could find on stackOverflow, bottle docs, or