Category "amazon-athena"

String to YYYY-MM-DD date format in Athena

So I've looked through documentation and previous answers on here, but can't seem to figure this out. I have a STRING that represents a date. A normal output l

How to make MSCK REPAIR TABLE execute automatically in AWS Athena

I have a Spark batch job which is executed hourly. Each run generates and stores new data in S3 with the directory naming pattern DATA/YEAR=?/MONTH=?/DATE=?/dat

What is the Athena equivalent of MySQL's JSON_REMOVE?

I want to remove items from a json value, producing a new json value, within the scope of an Athena query. MySQL has the function JSON_REMOVE which does this ni

How to merge rows by a similar column via levenshtein distance

I'm using AWS Athena and I'm trying to merge all the rows which have a specific column with levenshtein_distance value lower then 5 and sum the normalised perce