Category "material-components"

How to reduce material.switchmaterial.SwitchMaterial end margin in android?

I've used "" in that left margin having some space. How to reduce that? I've need align straight of the

Show or Hide text using password toggle

I am doing show or hide password using below code pwdLayout.setEndIconMode(TextInputLayout.END_ICON_PASSWORD_TOGGLE); I am able to achieve show or hide passwor

How to programmatically select BottomNavigationBar Tab in Flutter instead of built in onTap callback?

I have been working with BottomNavigationBar in the flutter, but I am not able to select a Tab programmatically outside of onTap callback of BottomNavigationBar

Cannot resolve symbol Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar (Android Studio)

I've got an error for 'Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar' in styles.xml (the 'Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar' is colored red because of err

How to achieve click effect on ShapeableImageView, min api 21 without nesting view

Is there a better way to achieve click effect on ShapeableImageView with recent release of Material components v1.2.0 I do not want to use foreground property a