Category "amazon-sqs"

Lambda trigger again after timeout even sqs visible timeout is same as lambda timeout

Lambda has triggered again even after the SQS visibility timeout is the same as lambda timeout around 8min. Having SQS visibility timeout greater than lambda ti

Glue Crawler: The number of unique events received is 0 for the target

I've created a crawler that pulls messages from SQS when new objects are added on S3 but when it runs the message "The number of unique events received is 0 for

Amazon Linux 2 worker fails to reboot

I'm running a Node.js application on an Amazon Linux 2 worker instance, connected to SQS. The problem It all runs fine, except that for technical reasons I need

AWS HTTP API Gateway integration with SQS - MessageAttribute doesn't work

I've integrated HTTP API Gateway with SQS and have some problem with MessageAttributes. The main goal is to pass parameter in URL, attach it to message attribut

Sending MQTT broker(HiveMQ) messages to AWS SQS

I have a requirement to forward the MQTT messages from HiveMQ broker to AWS SQS. Is it something that is feasible and can easily be done through HiveMQ Extensio

Could not create aws sqs queue for multiple environment?

The yml file in aws sqs has Resources: MyQueue: Type: AWS::SQS::Queue Properties: QueueName:"mytestqueue" how to handle the MYQueue when creat

How to properly use AWS SQS

I was looking for a good way to manage a lot of background tasks, and i found out AWS SQS. My software is coded in PHP. To complete a background task, the wor

Unable to configure SQS queue notification in S3

I created an SQS queue and added policy under permission tab allowing only my account users to configure the configure the notification Policy Document { "

Copy and Merge files to another S3 bucket

I have a source bucket where small 5KB JSON files will be inserted every second. I want to use AWS Athena to query the files by using an AWS Glue Datasource and

Please explain Amazon SQS (and queueing in general)

For my web app I will need a separate instance of EC2 to process CPU-intensive things, and things that can be queued so they don't encumber the web serving inst

SQS Lambda Trigger with Visibility Timeout extension

I'm working on a solution where I have a SQS queue with Lambda trigger. My understanding is Lambda will receive messages in batches to be processed, and once La

What is the behaviour of SQS FIFO queue after visibility timeout expires?

After visibility timeout expires, will the message go to same consumer or different consumer in FIFO queue? To ensure message ordering, message has to be added

AWS Lambda Destination not triggering EventBridge destination

I am using the Amazon Selling Partner API (SP-API) and am trying to set up a Pub/Sub like system for receiving customer orders etc. The Notifications API in SP-

Setting up Amazon SP-API Notification API

Trying to set up Amazon SP-API Notifications Api but I am running into a few issues I have setup everything up to creating a destination and subscription for SQ

Best way to move messages off DLQ in Amazon SQS?

What is the best practice to move messages from a dead letter queue back to the original queue in Amazon SQS? Would it be Get message from DLQ Write message t

Connect AWS Service from on-premise server by Site-to-site VPN instead of Internet

I have already setup Site-to-site vpn to connect on-premises server and aws vpc. It has connection between vpc app successfully. However, the on-premise server

How to listen to already existing SQS queue with Celery and Django?

I want to listen to an existing SQS queue through Celery. I have already done publishing to Queue via celery and then consuming from that queue through workers

AWS Step Functions Consuming messages from SQS

I am consuming messages from SQS to trigger queries. When I normally consume a message from SQS in Python, I need to delete the message from SQS. Do I have to m