Category "android-activity"

using startActivity() to open a share dialog, but content was less than what i see in log

when using startActivity() to open a share dialog, but content was less than what i see in log. Can anyone explain this phenomenon? private static final Str

Android: Issue with transparent activity

Recently, on one of our production apps, transparent activity has stopped working. By this I mean that it became a black background instead of transparent. When

Android app crashes when activity is initialised from fragment [duplicate]

I am currently trying to create a calendar app in android studio. The app contains a calendar with different "Views" e.g. monthly view, weekly

Flutter Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo Main Activity

I'm using vs code (to code) and android studio (to get virtual device). I just merged and pulled the project I'm working on this morning, and first, have a very

How can I open app when screen is off from foreground service?

Android: 11 NETStandard.Library: 2.0.3 Xamarin.Forms: Permissions(i tried): "android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" "android.permission.INSTANT_APP_F

How to Display a Pop-up Notification during an Incoming Call on Android

I want to show the name of a caller during an incoming call. For this, I'm creating a notification. The notification is delivered in the notifications with the

I want to create a layout for cashiers point of sales in android studio

application de point de vente dans le cloud, applicable à tout MAGASIN, BOUTIQUE DE DÉTAIL, RESTAURANT, CAFE, KARAOKE ... et rend les ventes extr&

Can a digital receptionist run locally on android

Is it possible to design an Android app that would check any incoming calls. If it is found in the contacts (or recent calls), the phone rings as normal. If it

Should I turn my Activities into Fragments?

I went to the YouTube Academy for Kotlin Android Development and created a semi complex app with Google FireBase, I have hit a roadblock in some code using an E

How to Pass a List of Objects from activity A to activity B in Kotlin?

I have 2 Activities, I want to pass an arraylist of an Object and show it on a ListView Activity A: btnGuardar.setOnClickListener{ i

Data binding: Missing required view with ID

I create an app using binding and I get an error that I couldn't solve. The error is java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.exam

Data binding: Missing required view with ID

I create an app using binding and I get an error that I couldn't solve. The error is java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.exam

how to get the Context Inside the FirebaseMessagingService?

I have an app and It Uses FCM for sending and receiving messages. I have implemented every thing as suggested in docs. Now on generation of token I want to sa

Popup menu goes out of the screen

Popup menu on inflate goes out of the screen for this activity, works fine for other Extending custom AppCompatActivity Styles: <style name="AppTheme.Ac

How can I use an API to implement a search functionality on Android?

I am attempting to create a search functionality in an android application and have been doing research on how I can accomplish this while taking in data from a

Android: How to hide or close topmost activity?

In my app, I need to start the built-in camera application using the action INTENT_ACTION_STILL_IMAGE_CAMERA. The reason of this action is that in this case, I

Duplicate Classes to handle app flow (with explicit intents)

I have three different options in my app that allow the user through several of the same classes but at different times, ie 1) Sharing with friend: MainClass

Activity Conditional Flow

I have a movie ticket booking app. My initial activity is the login activity where there is a "continue as guest" option in case he doesn't want to sign in or r

Communication between BroadcastReceiver and Activity - android

I have a broadcast receiver in my app which is fired every time the user gets an incoming call. Now, when it happens, I need the broadcast receiver to invoke a

how to call function from other fragment class

I'm trying to call this function public void arrowClick() is inside my main fragment public class CounterMain extends Fragment implements View.OnClickListen